Thank you for visiting :-) I hope you enjoy your stay.

PSA: As of right now, this site contains no flashing colours/lights, bright colours, or otherwise dangerous content for photosensitive individuals. If there's an accessability issue somewhere on this site, please let me know here and I'll do my best to fix it!

(To let me know, either contact me via social media if you found this site through me posting it, or if you don't know any of my social medias, leave a comment on the neocities dashboard of this site!)

This site's going to be very bare bones, it'll be where I put all my random facts and info about Franz Ferdinand (the BAND not the archduke I prommy), including a digital version of a notebook I keep irl with all my little notes and facts and things. Maybe I'll expand this in the future to also have links to articles and things? Or maybe more? Who knows! But for now this is all. Also here's naul kiss dot gif. As a gift ---> A low-res GIF of Nick McCarthy at a colourful, brightly lit concert stepping up to the drums and briefly giving Paul Thomson a kiss

Feedback form - in other words, if you want to contact me, do it here! (open in new tab)

If the image link isn't working, use this link instead.

A relatively low-resolution photo of Nick McCarthy whispering into the ear of a laughing Alex Kapranos, edited to have a speech bubble coming out of Nick's mouth reading, in purple Comic Sans text, "I have something to say", with a large amount of exclamation marks in the centre of the following line. A transparent square. It is not visible itself and is there to make the accompanying text box further to the right of the image.
Should I use the feedback form or something else??
Depending on how you found this site, you don't need to use this form to contact me if you don't want to. If you got here through a social media that you also have, you can contact me there if you'd prefer.

If you have a neocities account, you can leave a comment on this site's profile if you'd rather do that. But, if you don't have any other means of communication or would just prefer to stay anonymous, then you can use this form :-)

Stuff you've sent in! A.K.A. feedback form submissions and my responses (Click this link)

Coming soon!!! (How soon? Who knows)

- A more extensive page for things people have said about the song Michael
Exactly what it says on the tin. I've already got a (admittedly lacklustre) page for things said by people about it online and stuff, but I'd like to extend it to also include things said by the band in interviews and the like.
- Possibly a collection of related Franz sites and resources?
Because this site is mainly just my notebook but digital & my notes on the song Michael and I figure if you like this site you'll wanna find more resources with even more information.
- Some images to spruce things up a little, perhaps?
Just to make the site a little easier on the eyes, really. And also to share some more obscure Franz pics that you might not have seen before.

THANK YOU FOR VISITING! Hope you enjoy the site :)

Site last updated in February 2025.