Thank you for visiting :-) I hope you enjoy your stay.

PSA: As of right now, this site contains no flashing colours/lights, bright colours, or otherwise dangerous content for photosensitive individuals. If there's an accessability issue somewhere on this site, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it!

(To let me know, either contact me via social media if you found this site through me posting it, or if you don't know any of my social medias, leave a comment on the neocities dashboard of this site!)

This site's going to be very bare bones, it'll be where I put all my random facts and info about Franz Ferdinand (the BAND not the archduke I prommy), including a digital version of a notebook I keep irl with all my little notes and facts and things. Maybe I'll expand this in the future to also have links to articles and things? Or maybe more? Who knows! But for now this is all.

And also here's naul kiss dot gif. As a treat.